Sunday, May 17, 2020

When I Took a Bike Ride, I Saw...

                                                    Two moose, including this one.
                                      A pair of ospreys; this is the female landing on the nest.
                                           Here's Mr. Osprey, keeping an eye on me!
                A butterfly, which I've identified before but can't exactly remember the name of.
                                                   Deep-fried fiddleheads, anyone?
             Here's a Northern Flicker, keeping a sharp lookout from his home in the birch tree.

            This squirrel picture wasn't taken today, but I thought it was too cute not to post!😊

Sunday, May 3, 2020

The Bird Nerd Reports

Thought I'd show you some of the birds I've seen this year:

This is a hooded merganser. I had seen them before, but never gotten a good picture.

Here's an agitated female mallard, taken the same day.

This bird is a white-winged crossbill.

These are wood ducks, the first time I'd ever seen any.

Here's an European Starling, in a snowy tree.

This yellow-rumped warbler (or myrtle warbler,) was outside my window just this morning.

We've been hearing a pair of birds for a while, just up the road, but we could never figure out exactly what they were. Now, according to this picture I took on our walk this afternoon, we think it's a red-shouldered hawk.

Have you been seeing any interesting birds lately?