Sunday, June 28, 2020

Fifty Shades of Brown

  I've been pondering this issue for weeks, even before the George Floyd incident. I know people are unhappy with what they think was racism; maybe it was. However, how will looting and toppling down statues solve anything?
  People would do well, when considering issues of skin color, to realize three things:

1. There is only one race.

  Since we all come from Adam and Eve, there is only one race of people. There wasn't a Hispanic Adam and Eve, a Caucasian Adam and Eve, or an Indian Adam and Eve...they were just how God made them to be! People moved to different parts of the world, but we all come from the same two people.

2. We're all related.

  You may be from Switzerland, England, or Australia; but since we all come from the same two people, we're all related. Even if we're sixteenth cousins four times removed, we're still kin.

3. Nobody is black or white.

  If you don't believe me, then take a black piece of paper and hold it up to your "black" skin. Is your skin the same color? No, it's brown. And if I were to hold a piece of white paper next to my skin, I wouldn't be white either--I'd be brown, too. I'm just a lighter shade of brown than Martin Luther King Jr. and the Ethiopian eunuch.

  So, shall we change the song to "Shades of brown from dark to light/They are precious in His sight"?😊

                                P.S. Hope, our cat, is both black, white, AND brown!!

Monday, June 22, 2020

The Creativity of God

I'm sure you've all seen tulips...
                                           ...BUT HAVE YOU EVER LOOKED INSIDE?
Or the inside of a jack-in-the-pulpit?
                                             Ever knelt to see ground ivy growing in the grass?
Or seen a lady's slipper blooming as you pass?

And if you don't like flowers, how about birds?
From the "blue" indigo bunting...(did you know they're really black?) the pileated woodpecker, for whom wood will be no lack...
The evasive spotted wood thrush, who sings the sweetest song... the black-throated blue warbler, that hides the whole day long...

Okay, you're still not satisfied? You can't see God's creativity because you aren't a bird-watcher or looking for flowers?
Well, here are some animals, then!
From the pesky little groundhog, (or a woodchuck, if from the South,) the jumpy little frogs, with their frowny little mouth (which one do you like better?)

Maybe you'd rather see a chipmunk, who's just peeking from the sod?
Now have I proven to you