Monday, June 22, 2020

The Creativity of God

I'm sure you've all seen tulips...
                                           ...BUT HAVE YOU EVER LOOKED INSIDE?
Or the inside of a jack-in-the-pulpit?
                                             Ever knelt to see ground ivy growing in the grass?
Or seen a lady's slipper blooming as you pass?

And if you don't like flowers, how about birds?
From the "blue" indigo bunting...(did you know they're really black?) the pileated woodpecker, for whom wood will be no lack...
The evasive spotted wood thrush, who sings the sweetest song... the black-throated blue warbler, that hides the whole day long...

Okay, you're still not satisfied? You can't see God's creativity because you aren't a bird-watcher or looking for flowers?
Well, here are some animals, then!
From the pesky little groundhog, (or a woodchuck, if from the South,) the jumpy little frogs, with their frowny little mouth (which one do you like better?)

Maybe you'd rather see a chipmunk, who's just peeking from the sod?
Now have I proven to you


  1. I prefer that first photograph of the smaller frog; I marvel, too, at the creativity of God!

  2. I like both! And I love this whole poem/post/photography! Thanks Courtney.
