Sunday, October 25, 2020

What About a Magazine?

   Hello, after a long silence! I have updates to make, including about what I've been up to the past couple months, but until then...what do you think of me starting a magazine? It would be for single women, about topics pertinent to single women. Do you have any name suggestions? Topics you would like covered? Should it be a paper magazine or an e-zine? Don't be afraid to let me know in the comments!

  Stay tuned for more new posts! Thanks for reading!


  1. Hey, Courtney, what a great idea! The format maybe depends on how much effort and money you want to put into it--mailing physical copies would be more hassle and cost but also more friendly in this crazy cyber world. (I read paper magazines a lot sooner than e-zines, though I like e-zines too, partly cuz they're cheaper=))
    Name ideas...
    There used to be one called All Glorious Within which is now defunct, that name might work. Will think of it some more and let you know if I have ideas!
    For topics, well--
    Finding one's utter fulfilment and purpose in Christ
    finding places to serve and being content in serving in small places
    what it really means to have a meek and quiet spirit--esp. for outgoing personalities.

    And lots more. Can't wait to see what you come up with!

  2. I think a magazine would be a great idea! 💕🙏
