Sunday, April 5, 2020

Meet Corona

  I hadn't heard of Corona until last month, when she visited Washington and stealthily made her way to the East Coast. Every day we ask, "How many people have entertained her now?" or "How many have succumbed to her deadly grip?"
  She's caused a lot of panic in the world. People, in fear of her, rush to stock up on flour. Toilet paper. Bread. Molasses. Canned food. (Why not ice cream? That's an essential in my mind.😉)
  Two people have recently had Corona who live/were in our county, so now Corona has control of our local library. She's closed down the thrift shop, the gift store, the restaurant, only deeming grocery shopping as essential. She's even taken control of what we WEAR. Now people have been seen with face masks and disposable gloves on! And most everyone has that bottle of hand sanitizer in their pocket, or wipes in their car.
  Worst of all, she's canceled church services all across the globe. Birthday parties. Writers' conferences. She's allowed for bike rides, though, or for walking the dog (at least in Maine.)
  A few good things about Corona? Well...those are few and far between...but she's actually encouraging families to stay home and spend time together. And she's helping me save my money, instead of buying those tempting stickers.😏 And--may I say it?--she's also encouraging old ladies to have white hair (instead of going to the hair salon) and discouraging movies and drinking. Isn't that great!?

1 comment:

  1. Actually, Miss Corona arrived in Washington three months ago.
