Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Bird Nerd

  I don't remember when my interest in birds began, but in recent years I've taken my interest to a new level.
  I've started a life list of birds, which so far is in the 80's. My newest lifer on this list is the tufted titmouse. I saw that one on my trip, when we stayed at a friend's house in central Maine. No one could understand my excitement at seeing a new bird. (They're not big birders.) I ran for my camera and took numerous photos of the two titmice in the bush out the window.

   I've seen quite a number of new birds this year: a Baltimore oriole, a black-and-white warbler, and a Canada jay, to name a few.
  I post some of the new birds/birds I count up for Birding Big Day, on a website called eBird:, where you can see what birds are being noted in your area, or give bird lists of your own. I've taken part in two Birding Big Days so far.
  We also have a neighbor who lives just down the road who also enjoys bird-watching and photography. Whenever we get together, we compare pictures and bird sightings. 
  And by the way...I nicknamed myself The Bird Nerd. :) It's very true, though!
  Have you been seeing any new birds, or are you interested in birds? Tell me about it in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. I used to watch birds a lot when I was younger, but got out of it the last several years. But yesterday at work (at a seniors' home) I watched various finches at the birdfeeder outside the kitchen window, and marvelled. Such agility! I haven't looked up their identity, but you are inspiring me to take a deeper interest in birds once again.
    Thank you!
